Self-Care Tips for the Overworked Nurse

In the field of nursing it can be difficult to find time to implement a self-care routine. However, it is extremely important to take time for yourself. Focusing on your physical and mental health can improve both your home and work life exponentially. If you think implementing a self-care routine is out of your reach, we have some tips for quick, easy ways to improve your mental and physical health without taking too much time out of your schedule.

Self-Care Tips for the Overworked Nurse

1)Simplify Nutrition

One easy way to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs is eating right. With long shifts and constantly being on the move it is not easy to justify going to the grocery store for fresh ingredients. Meal kits deliver weekly and reduce the need to go grocery shopping. This small change can give you a great deal of extra time to focus on more important things.


It may be difficult to imagine exercising after a full shift. However, the needs of your muscles are highly important to your overall physical health and taking care of them can be a great way to unwind after a long day. Because of the physically taxing nature of nursing rigorous exercise could wear down your body even more. If you are tired after a long day, consider some yoga and meditation to reinvigorate the mind and body after a long day. Unsure how to get started? There are plenty of great, free resources online to learn the basics and get started. Namaste.


This may be easier said than done but doing something that calms the brain can be extremely beneficial to your mental health after a long day. If you enjoy watching shows with glass of wine, do it. If you enjoy a bubble bath and some candles, do it. If your relaxation comes from a walk around the block with your dog, find time to do it. These little actions can rejuvenate you mentally and help your brain wind down. This may not be possible every day, but the more often you can carve out time to do it the better you will feel overall.


It goes without saying the most intense form of relaxation is sleep. Keeping a regular sleep schedule improves both physical and mental health. Now we get it, with varying shifts and crazy day-today operations sleeping normally may be near impossible. Especially if you have a family at home and other obligations. However, planning and making sure that you find time to get the recommended hours of sleep when possible can be a huge help.

5)Get Away

Life can be overbearing; it can take a lot out of you. Especially, when working in a field surrounded by so much negative energy. Sometimes you may need to just get away. If you are feeling warn down and in need of a vacation take it. Even if you can’t go anywhere extravagant, taking a week to relax and reset.

6)Work- life

One way to improve daily work life is to get to know the people around you. Having a positive relationship with coworkers can help take some of the pressure from daily stressors. So, take the time to really get to know the people that work in your department. Some easy way to do this include, joining them for lunch, having everyday conversations and stepping in when they need a hand.

7)Create a Morning Routine

Morning routines are extremely beneficial to getting the day started right. A little bit of repetition in the morning is an easy way to ensure that you maintain a feeling of control in a world of uncertainty. Routines provide a sense of comfort before the storm that is the day ahead.

8)Put on a Face Mask

We all know the self-care techniques that crawl through the internet, the most popular being a facemask. Masks can be great ways to add a little bit of self-care into your daily routine without taking up a lot of time. Face masks are great for the skin and in general, only take around 10-15 min to complete. These nifty masks come in options for any skin type and force you to unwind (at least for a few minutes).

9)Get a little Something New

Now if you are low on money do not go skipping bills for a new candle. On the other hand, if you have a little money to spend, do not feel guilty getting a little something for yourself. You work hard in one of the most difficult jobs in the world, you deserve it.

10)You do You!

At the end of the day the only person that can truly take care of your mental and physical health is you! You know what you like to do, and you know your limits. Take control of your happiness and health like the boss that you are.