Go Lean and Clean by Ditching Cardboard

As foodservice experts who have worked within the industry, we understand your struggles. That’s why we work so hard at Metro to create solutions to make your job simpler and more efficient. Today we are going to focus on the dreaded stock box. Yes, you know the one. Those gigantic boxes of goods come off the supply truck at the beginning of the week but don’t seem to leave storage areas for another month. We get it. Organizing with boxes seems like the easiest way to keep supplies together. They already come that way. Why would there be a need to change it?

Here’s why.

Reason # 1

Using boxes as an organizational tool can cost you money. Have you ever gone for that sleeve of cups still in the box on the high shelf and ended up being attacked by a large box and writing off about 200 cups? It happens to the best of us. If that is a continued problem, overtime you end up losing a large amount of money in inventory. If this trend continues in your cooler or freezer, each item that falls out or gets bumped costs even more individually and can affect your bottom line in negative ways. Save your money, put those boxes in recycling.

Reason # 2

Boxes are not sanitary for storage. Boxes are un-washable. They trap dirt and debris in whatever you are storing, sometimes ruining the product before it gets to customers. In damp environments, cardboard boxes can grow mold and cause odors in your walk-in. Insects like to eat cardboard! Need I say more? Boxes shouldn’t be used for extended storage. Instead, consider the use of totes if you require a covered place to store items. Or, for maximum visibility and organization, a shelf with a divider system.

Reason # 3

They are an inefficient use of space. The second you take that first product out of the box, that box takes up more space than is needed. The same is valid with the use of totes and other storage containers. Why not capitalize on all of your space by choosing a more efficient option? You can, and it is simple, instead of boxes or totes, add a divider. Dividers will keep products in view for easy grabbing and organization. Unlike boxes or totes, they can be adjusted easily to the product's exact size to reclaim unused space.

Reason # 4

Boxes make it more difficult to find what you need. Have you ever been in a rush combing through the sea of boxes in dry storage trying to find a particular item? It can be extremely frustrating. Why suffer when you don’t have to. Boxes aren’t designed to be used as organizational tools in a kitchen. Unlike an open divider system, boxes hide what is inside, making inventory more difficult, prep more problematic, and finding supplies during a rush more difficult. It pretty much makes everything more painful all around. Instead, utilize dividers or clear totes for a more efficient and visual organization system.

For more tips, follow Metro’s Foodservice Webinar series.