McAllen School District: A Metro Story

The McAllen Independent School District in McAllen, Texas serves more than 22,000 students in their elementary, middle, and high schools. The kids eat more than 38,000 meals each day. That's a lot of food!

How do these lunch-time warriors manage it all? The Metro C5 cabinet line.

The staff gives Metro C5 cabinets credit for making everyone's job easier. C5 cabinets hold their temperature for over an hour, hour and a half without being plugged, and so then when staff gets to the facility in 20-25 minutes at the most, they're able to plug in and not have any dips and food temperatures.

The kitchen staff generally gets to work at 3 in the morning, so having the transport cabinet's security has been seen as a large positive. After hours of hard work, meals are placed on trays, loaded into the Metro C5 cabinets, and wheeled to the distribution center, where all the trucks then deliver the meals to all the kids at the schools.

Why Metro C5 Cabinets?

This is what the staff had to say:

"These cabinets and the reason we've invested in these cabinets is because of the separate heating mechanism. We do want to make sure that we're not just coasting at 135 degrees. We want to make sure that we're maintaining 150 to 145 so that by the time kids are getting food, it's still hot, just like an adult. Kid's want to have hot food, hot and cold food cold, and that's what these cabinets provide us."